KTB is a creative design studio that has worked across the residential, commercial, educational and cultural spectrum with a particular interest in the harmonic re-use of existing buildings and designs for new buildings that are contextual and sensitive to their location.

We are not limited to a particular scale or bound to a house style, but are driven by the art of finding what is latent in every project, whether the everyday or extraordinary, and making the most of it.

We seek a convincing fusion of art, engineering, landscape, architecture and interiors, and believe that there can be a modern architecture that is warm, subtle and tactile, highly responsive to local topography and design traditions and yet thoroughly rational and evidently of our time.


The foundation of the company was based on a collaboration between developer, contractor and architect. This has given us an invaluable insight into the risks and rewards of developments and trials of building. Having been based on site we have seen first-hand the challenges that end users, developers and contractors face alike.

We aim to use our foresight and experience to mitigate the potential pitfalls of design and construction and endeavour to give every project the chance to be an enjoyable and successful process for all.


We provide a comprehensive service, able to deliver projects from inception to completion, including conceptual design, planning applications, detailed design, building regulations approval and contract administration through the construction process.

We are firm believers in the transformative power of good design and have found most of our work has been conducted in complex legal and planning contexts which has demanded a sensitive, intelligent approach, both in urban and rural situations.

We have a wide network of fellow professionals, contractors and specialist fabricators whom we can recommend to build the perfect team for any project.


We want to build a stimulating environment where the creation of sensitive and dynamic architecture and design is encouraged and enjoyed. We want to be involved in meaningful, environment led projects that make a small difference and enhance and promote the public domain and our rich built heritage.

We are actively involved in mentoring programmes with the Stephen Lawrence Centre, Westminster University and Southwark Councils’ Inspire Me’. We see our business as a chance to offer a place for the development of the next generation of talent and a gateway into an industry that suffers from lack of diversity.



‘A good Architect will be able to take your design idea and make sure it is translated into a practical project. They will provide an invaluable link between you and your builder, and they will be able to add the creative spark needed to make a building more than just a functional space. They will be able to give you a new insight into the best use of materials, and also any environmental considerations from using them. They will show you the best use of your available space and how to use light to enhance this. In many cases they will also be able to help you with legislative issues surrounding your project, such as planning permission and building regulations.'